At the time of application, student’s aged 18 - 28 must be enrolled in and actively pursuing a degree of a full-time course of study at an Irish or UK ministerial‐recognized post-secondary academic institution.
The definition of academic institutions excludes institutions that offer primarily vocational or technical programmes. Students enrolled in primarily technical or vocational institutions will not be allowed to participate in the programme.
Example: culinary programmes, construction, cosmetology.
Your course must be at FETAC/ QQI level 6 on the NFQ or higher. If your course is a Fetac/ QQI level 6 course it must be at least 2 years duration and have the potential to carry on to a degree course. You must supply a letter from the college to confirm this. If a student cannot convince the US Embassy at the time of the interview that they are returning home to continue studying towards their degree in their course of study, they will be rejected immediately.
Any applicant previously terminated from a previous J1 Programme is not eligible to apply for another J1.
Foreign students attending Irish Colleges and Universities are allowed to apply under the same terms and conditions as Irish students. Foreign students (from outside the EU) must submit a copy of their Irish visa.
SAYIT can accept applications from students who are normally Irish residents but are studying in a UK / EU college or who are temporarily abroad on an Erasmus or Socrates programme as long as they comply with all programme application requirements, US Government programme regulations and US Embassy visa application requirements. For example, they must attend the mandatory US Embassy interview in their Erasmus country, London/ Belfast and be able to submit and leave their passport with the US Embassy for as long as required to process the J-1 visa application (minimum 5 working days). The student is required to organize their own appointment and the relevant payment.
Due to issues that arose in 2014 and a change in legislation by the US State Department in October 2014 we are unable to accept Erasmus students who are studying within the USA, Canada, and Asia. We can only accept Irish students on Erasmus in Europe.
The US Sponsor are pleased to accept students who have already sourced their own employer for the J1 Summer Work & Travel programme. The job has to be vetted and approved by The US Sponsor before any work paper (DS-2019) can be issued.
Self-Placement jobs must:
Not displace American workers
Provide a safe location and work environment.
Be close to safe and affordable housing.
Be located in areas with seasonal tourism.
Be located in areas where students will have frequent contact with Americans.
Be located in areas where students will have the opportunity to pursue cultural activities in their free time.
Offer students 33 to 40 hours of work per week.
Housing requirement for Self Placement Applicants
We strongly advise that you speak with your host employer about housing options in the area before securing a job offer. Your host employer should serve as a guide to assist you in finding safe and affordable housing. If your host employer is not willing to assist you, please consider finding a job offer with an employer who will help you find safe and affordable housing.
Housing can be extremely difficult to secure in many seasonal regions of the U.S. For this reason, the sponsor may not approve your employment offer until you have secured housing for the entire summer. Temporary housing may not be approved.
Transportation is particularly an issue for placements because the public systems are not reliable, and most cities are not pedestrian or bike friendly.
We strongly advise you to visit our sponsor's Housing Resources page. You will find important housing information that will be helpful before you arrive and throughout the summer.
If you are considering working in a big city, please keep in mind that before you move or can begin working, InterExchange must vet and approve all jobs based on U.S. Department of State regulations.
The US Sponsor offers a 'Job Placement Programme'. Once you are accepted into the job placement programme, your information is sent to employers who wish to hire Irish students. These positions have already been vetted and approved by The US Sponsor. Choosing this option does not constitute an agreement that The US Sponsor will find you a job. Choosing this option will give you access to the US Sponsor's job database and hiring events* that you can apply to. Jobs offered to applicants through the programme are sourced by The US Sponsor. Neither SAYIT J1 nor The US Sponsor can guarantee that you will receive an interview or job in your preferred location.
Positions on the Job Placement programme are extremely limited in the big Cities: San Francisco, Boston, New York, Chicago. Any students wishing to travel especially to California State are recommended to choose the Self Placement option.
We strongly recommend that each Job Placement applicant is also actively searching for their own employment. If successful in getting their own job they will be switched over to the Self Placement Programme.
Students booked on the Job Placement programme will have to work for a minimum 10 weeks and be available to work up until the 10th of August at the earliest.
When a student has been offered a position by an employer, they must accept and sign the job offer within 5 days or the job offer will be removed.
* Sufficient attendance is required for all hiring events and if a minimum required number is not obtained in the pre-event sign up neither SAYIT J1 nor the US Sponsor can guarantee the event will take place. In these instances if an applicant wishes to cancel their application, normal cancellation terms apply.
Housing requirement for Job Placement Applicants
We strongly advise that you speak with your host employer about housing options in the area before securing a job offer. Your host employer should serve as a guide to assist you in finding safe and affordable housing. If your host employer is not willing to assist you, please consider finding a job offer with an employer who will help you find safe and affordable housing.
Housing can be extremely difficult to secure in many seasonal regions of the U.S. For this reason, the sponsor may not approve your employment offer until you have secured housing for the entire summer. Temporary housing may not be approved.
Transportation is particularly an issue for placements because the public systems are not reliable, and most cities are not pedestrian or bike friendly.
We strongly advise you to visit our sponsor's Housing Resources page. You will find important housing information that will be helpful before you arrive and throughout the summer.
If you are considering working in a big city, please keep in mind that before you move or can begin working, InterExchange must vet and approve all jobs based on U.S. Department of State regulations.
Please note, if you are placed on a waitlist, this is not a guarantee for a J1 Summer Work & Travel Visa. If you are on the waitlist and a space becomes available, we will contact you directly and you will be required to pay your deposit if you wish to proceed.
You may not work:
In positions that could bring notoriety or disrepute to the Exchange Visitor Programme;
In sales positions that require participants to purchase inventory that they must sell in order to support themselves;
In domestic help positions in private homes (e.g., child care, elder care, gardener, chauffeur);
As pedicab or rolling chair drivers or operators;
As operators or drivers of vehicles or vessels for which drivers’ licenses are required regardless of whether they carry passengers or not; including golf carts and company vans;
In positions related to clinical care that involve patient contact;
In any position in the adult entertainment industry (including, but not limited to jobs with escort services, adult book/video stores, and strip clubs);
In positions requiring work hours that fall predominantly between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.;
In positions declared hazardous to youth by the Secretary of Labor at Subpart E of 29 CFR part 570;
In positions that require sustained physical contact with other people and/or adherence to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Universal Blood and Body Fluid Precautions guidelines (e.g., body piercing, tattooing (including henna), massage, manicure, hair braiding);
In positions that are substantially commission-based and thus do not guarantee that participants will be paid minimum wage in accordance with federal and state standards;
In positions involved in gaming and gambling that include direct participation in wagering and/or betting;
In positions in chemical pest control, warehousing, catalogue/online order distribution centers;
In positions with travelling fairs or itinerant concessionaires;
In positions for which there is another specific J visa category (e.g., camp counselor, intern, trainee)
In positions in the North American Industry Classification System's (NAICS) Goods-Producing Industries occupational categories industry sectors 11, 21, 23, 31-33 numbers (set forth at, including, but not limited to: construction (includes specialty trade contractors), mining (includes oil and gas extraction, support activities for mining), manufacturing (food manufacturing, textile mills, apparel manufacturing, wood product manufacturing, printing), natural resources (crop production, animal production, fishing, support activities for agriculture and forestry);
In positions that employ the exchange visitor as a mover or in any position where the primary work duty is the movement of household or office goods;
in positions through employment or staffing agencies;
in positions in kiosks or cart stands at malls;
in positions in home based businesses;
in positions in warehouses or factories;
in administrative positions handling sensitive/personal information;
in positions as an independent contractor (1099 Form employee);
in positions in fisheries;
in positions in door-to-door sales or canvassing;
in positions in industrial style/scale service sector (jobs that involve assembly lines, repetitive movement using heavy machinery, use of industrial size steamers/pressers and dryers, use of industrial chemicals, factory-like atmosphere);
in positions at single-guard pools;
in positions that involve the use of deli slicers;
in positions that are not compensated hourly e.g. piece wages, stipends, etc.;
in positions as an independent contractor/hired on a 1099 form;
with employers who hire j1 students for 3 seasons (spring, summer, winter);
in positions in waste management, janitorial, or custodial positions;
on locations where telephone and Internet communication is not accessible.
in Irish bars & restaurants (outside of main city centres only with high tourist turnover)
In NYC businesses located outside of Manhattan
with employers, where issues arose for previous J1ers. Please click on this link to view these employers.
A comprehensive list of restricted employment can be found here
Important Notes about the J1 Summer Work and Travel in Large Cities
If a large city (e.g. New York or Los Angeles) is submitted as a potential place of employment, the following must be demonstrated:
The job is seasonal or temporary in nature.
The employer has reasonably attempted to hire locals for the season and the placement will not displace U.S. workers.
There is access to suitable, affordable, and safe housing
Non-seasonal Areas for J1 SWT Employment
There are areas which been deemed unsuitable by the US Department of State to get a job.
The list is:
Mason, Ohio
North Dakota
Inland Maryland
Key West & Miami, Florida
Las Vegas, Nevada
New Orleans, Louisiana
Austin, Texas
A comprehensive list of Zip codes within the US that are allowed on the J1 is listed: You should note that being in these approved areas does not guarantee that a job offer will be approved.
The Department of State recommends that applicants only work with employers who identify safe, suitable and affordable housing. To be considered safe, housing must, at a minimum, meet all applicable local laws and regulations, including with respect to ventilation, utilities, and occupancy rates. Transportation must be reliable, affordable, and convenient between participants’ residences and worksites.
Due to housing difficulties, J1ers who plan on staying in the following areas must have either permanent or termporary accommodation arranged in order to have their DS-2019/ work paper approved by the US Sponsor.
Examples include:
Cape Cod
Long Island
Myrtle Beach
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
San Diego
San Francisco
Virginia Beach
You should note that being in these approved areas does not guarantee that a job offer will be approved.
We encourage all J1ers traveling to these areas, and the rest of the United States, to begin looking for housing as soon as possible as affordable and suitable housing in seasonal areas is very scarce. We highly recommend that you ask your employer for housing advice when discussing your job with them.
Housing Requirements:
Areas, where employers do not support or assist with housing, may not be eligible for self-placements. Please ensure to review your housing agreements closely prior to signing and be mindful of housing agreements that do not include a cancellation and refund policy of housing deposits. Please find a guide to understanding lease agreements available here
A housing guide can be found here
Accepting a J1 Job through Self or Job Placement
Before you accept a position in your chosen US State, city or area, there are 4 important things to consider!
Where will you live?
Will your housing be affordable?
How will you commute to work?
Do you have enough money to cover costs until you receive your first paycheck?
Keep in mind, that employment wages, rent prices, food, and transportation costs will vary based on your chosen US State, city, or area.
All potential places of employment must demonstrate, at a minimum, the following:
The position offered must be seasonal. Employment is of a seasonal nature when the position is tied to a certain time of the year by an event or pattern and requires labor levels above and beyond existing worker levels.
The position offered must provide opportunities to work alongside and interact regularly with U.S. citizens. Participants must be able to experience U.S. culture during both the workday portion of their Summer Work Travel programme as well as outside of work.
The position offered must not displace domestic U.S. workers
The position offered must provide Pay and benefits commensurate with those offered to their similarly situated U.S. counterparts and pay eligible participants for overtime worked in accordance with applicable State or Federal law.
The location must contain suitable, affordable housing (e.g., that meets local codes and ordinances) and reliable, affordable, and convenient transportation to and from work
The Programme allows Participants, who are Bona Fide Students, to enter the United States as non-resident exchange visitors to work and travel for up to four months during their summer vacation. An intended outcome of the Programme is the promotion of international goodwill and mutual respect between the United States and countries throughout the world. The country location of the applicant's college will dictate the exact maximum start and end dates that each applicant can work.
By participating in the J1 2025 Programme all participants are bound by all new programme regulations and eligibility criteria that may be introduced at any time and without notice. SAYIT J1, The US Sponsor and the US Embassy reserve the right to cancel participation on this programme (without refund) if any applicants do not meet the eligibility criteria or fail to abide by the terms and conditions of the programme including SEVIS compliance, monthly monitoring surveys and employment vetting etc.
All jobs, including initial, replacement and additional jobs, must be vetted and approved by the US Sponsor before work commences. The applicant understands that the US Sponsor will contact his/ her prospective employer to verify employment details. The US Sponsor reserves the right to deny any job according to the current and/or anticipated rules, regulations, and intent of the J1 Summer Work & Travel visa.
Participants should not accept a position if they cannot commit to the specified period requirements of the employer.
It is the participant’s responsibility to ensure they check the details of the contract of employment, research the availability of suitable housing in the location of work and ensure they are satisfied with all conditions outlined in the employment contract. SAYIT J1/ US Sponsor are not liable for any issues that may arise on matters deemed to be the responsibility of the participant.
Participants with pre-placed jobs are expected to report to the site of activity listed on their DS-2019 form. Failure to report to your pre-approved job and make a good faith effort to work at the position and honour your work commitment may result in programme termination.
Participants must contact the US Sponsor before any change of employment.
Participants who wish to change jobs or to accept additional jobs must inform the US Sponsor and wait for them to vet and approve the job before beginning work. Applicants must give their current employer at least 2 weeks' notice.
If the participant does not arrive as previously scheduled with the employer and the dates printed on the DS-2019 form, the job offer may be revoked by the employer.
If a participant leaves their employment without notifying the US Sponsor or begins employment without the prior approval of the US Sponsor, the US Sponsor reserves the right to revoke their legal sponsorship, which will result in the termination of their programme and their legal right to remain in the US.
Participants on the J1 Programme are required to maintain continuous communication with their employer before arrival, notify them in advance of their arrival and departure dates, and advise them of any changes to their travel itinerary due to visa delays or any unforeseen circumstances.
Employers cannot guarantee hours if there is unexpected bad weather that affects tourist activity, acts of terrorism, or other factors beyond the US Sponsors control. Some jobs have uncertain start dates and hours of work, and employment may become unavailable. Any costs due to delay with starting employment are the responsibility of the applicant. Participants must be able to support themselves in the US until they get their first paycheck, and/ or in the event of reduced working hours, and must have at least $1,000 upon arrival in the US.
The US Sponsor/SAYIT J1 are not responsible for the participant’s expenses incurred if for any reason the participant has not started work by the agreed date due to delays in obtaining a Social Security number.
Participants are considered legal adults and are solely responsible for their conduct and well-being both on and off the job. Participants have agreed to the Terms and Conditions of participation on the programme, in addition, they must follow all federal, state, and local laws and regulations of the United States while participating in the Summer Work & Travel programme. Participants are subject to fines, arrest, and possible deportation for breaking laws.
Please be aware that SAYIT J1 or the US Sponsor are not responsible for the contract of employment between the participant and any employer regardless of whether the position was sourced by the participant directly or through assistance provided. This also extends to any issues between the employer and participant that may develop. Participants are advised to contact the US Sponsor should they require any assistance with resolving an employment issue.
For jobs sourced through the US Sponsor under no circumstances are job positions guaranteed. The position offer does not constitute a binding contract that the job will be available when the participant arrives.
For US Sponsor sourced jobs where a work permit is issued and the job offer is revoked by the employer, through no fault of the participant, then the US Sponsor will make a reasonable effort to assist the participant in finding another position. The US Sponsor cannot guarantee that any new position will be in the same geographical location or offer the same salary as the original position. However, the US Sponsor makes no guarantee in respect to being able to provide an alternative. Any costs due to cancellation or delay with sourcing an alternative job are the responsibility of the applicant.
In the case of a change of employment or premature termination of employment, or if the employment is terminated before the end of the programme for any reason, or if the participant decides to return home early, no fees will be refunded.
If the participant’s employment ends before the legal working dates listed on the DS-2019 for any reason, it is the participant’s responsibility to inform the US Sponsor’s US office and get approval for any new position/ job/ employment with a new employer.
Once you have completed your US Embassy appointment we do not recommend changing your work start or end dates as your job would be at risk of being rescinded.
Students booked on the Job Placement programme must work for a minimum of 10 weeks. They must be available to work until the 10th of August at least.
When a student has been offered a position by an employer, they must accept and sign the job offer within 5 days or the job offer will be removed.
The US Sponsor and SAYIT J1 reserve the right to refuse sponsorship to any applicant who does not meet the Programme eligibility requirements or any applicant that the US Sponsor/ SAYIT J1 does not deem appropriate to accept in the general interests of the Programme. In the event that the US Sponsor/ SAYIT J1 refuses to accept an applicant on the Programme, full cancellation fees may apply. Applicants are responsible for and obliged to check eligibility on the SAYIT J1 website before submitting an application form.
Participation on the Programme begins when the participant legally enters the US and, subject to this contract, terminates on the day of departure from the US (within the legal Programme dates). Participation on the Programme will end a maximum of 5 months from arrival in the US (15th September is the last day that any student participating on the programme can work). Participants can arrive 5 days prior to their DS programme start date and remain in the US up to 30 days beyond their DS programme ‘end dates’, as long as their total stay in the US does not exceed 5 months. Participants must return to their home country in time for the start of their university classes.
The US Sponsor may issue a DS-2019 form if a participant meets the Work & Travel USA programme requirements, but they and SAYIT J1 cannot guarantee that the US Embassy or Consulate in a participant’s country of residence will issue a J1 visa. The US Sponsor/ SAYITJ1 is not responsible in the event that US Embassy refuses to issue a visa and full cancellation fees apply.
Please note that if you choose Exam Failure Insurance it must be issued BEFORE you sit any exams that have an impact on your final mark. Otherwise, the exam failure cover will be null and void (full details are outlined in your policy document).
SAYIT J1/ US Sponsor reserves the right to utilize publicly available information, including social media that has not been directly provided to SAYIT J1/ US Sponsor by the participant. Information obtained through these means can be used as a basis for withdrawal, denial of a job offer, and/or any decisions made by SAYIT J1/ US Sponsor affecting the participant’s programme.
Prices and fares quoted in our publicity material are valid at the time of printing. Because of uncertainty in fuel prices and currency fluctuations, changes or additions by any US Government Agency to programme regulations or fees, it is possible that increases may be advised before the date of travel. Except where otherwise guaranteed, we reserve the right to impose currency or fuel surcharges as necessary. - Fares advertised are subject to availability at the time of booking.
Please note that you have a 48 hours cooling off period.
Below are the documents required to complete your J1 SWT application
You must submit all of the below documents to us within 14 days. Any delay in receiving all of these documents will delay your J1 application. All documents must be uploaded through your J1 Account under Student Uploads.
A copy of your valid passport*
Your signed & stamped application form - A letter from the college can replace the stamped page but the signed form must also be submitted
Questionnaire – part of the online J1 application process
Profile picture - part of the online J1 application process which is visible to your US Sponsor
Your completed Employment Offer and Agreement Form (Number of Work Hours - Weekly: 33 - 40 hours per week).*
*The deadline to submit a valid Employment Offer and Agreement Form is 28th February 2025.
You must submit all of the below documents to us within 14 days. Any delay in receiving all of these documents will delay your J1 application. All documents must be uploaded through your J1 Account under Student Uploads.
A copy of your valid passport*
Your signed & stamped application form - A letter from the college can replace the stamped page but the signed form must also be submitted
Questionnaire – part of the online J1 application process
Profile picture - part of the online J1 application process which is visible to the US Sponsor & US Employer
******We strongly advise that J1 students do not book their flights for the US until their US Job has been Approved, their DS-2019 has been issued, and they have confirmed their US Embassy Appointment.******
*Please note:
Your passport MUST be valid for your full stay in the US. If it expires before this time you will need to apply for a new passport immediately. We are unable to process your application without receiving this copy. Irish passports must be valid until the 1st of November 2025 and non-Irish passports until the 31st of May 2026.
Change in Programme types:
Changing from Job Placement to Self Placement
If your application has not been processed to the US Sponsor, your Programme Fee will be reduced to the Self Placement Programme Fee if places available (based on the date we receive your completed job offer form with your request by email ONLY) plus an administrational fee of €50 will be added. (Any applicant who was submitted to InterExchange, can not have their programme changed until they submit a valid job offer to us.)
After a DS-2019 has been issued for a Self Placement position, you are not allowed to change to Job Placement.
Changing from Self Placement to Job Placement
Any Self Placement applicant who changes from Self Placement to Job Placement (if places available) will have their Programmme Fee changed to the corrected Programme Fee valid on their request date (received by email ONLY)
After a DS-2019 has been issued for a Job Placement position, you are not allowed to change to Self Placement.
SAYIT J1 offers participants the option to either book their flights through us or book their flights independently. The benefits of booking your flights through SAYIT J1 include:
The option to have stopovers included in your flight booking so you can see another city after you have completed your work in the US.
Any issues that arise with your flights e.g. cancellations, delays, date changes, reroutes are looked after by the SAYIT J1 flight team
The ability to book flights without instant payment required
Partially refundable ticket options are available
Book flights through SAYIT J1
You can book your flights through SAYIT J1 after your US Job has been approved, your DS-2019 has been issued and you have confirmed your US Embassy appointment.
Stopover Flights
We offer stopover flights that can only be booked at the time of booking your flights but can not be added on at a later stage. We do not offer free internal US flights.
Flight Date Changes (for flights booked through SAYIT J1)
Changes to tickets are subject to availability and the relevant airline’s terms, conditions, and change fees. No changes will be accepted from a third party (unless previously authorised in the application). All changes will be dealt with on an individual basis only. Please note availability through an airline’s website or a travel agent does NOT ALWAYS reflect the booking classes available on the J1 visa programme. All changes are subject to a change fee. All fees are payable in advance. Changes are not permitted within 72 hours of the flight. Please note that the J1 office does not open on Sundays or Bank Holidays and any 72 hours excludes these additional 48 hours.
Removal of a confirmed flight from a flight booking
The removal of a confirmed flight is considered a change to the route of an airline ticket and is therefore considered a change by the airlines and the subsequent relevant change fee and fare difference must be paid.
No-shows and missed flights
If you are a no-show for any flight on your itinerary/ ticket, the airline has the right to cancel the remaining flights on the booking. The airline will not reinstate any canceled bookings. A new ticket will have to be purchased by you.
Book Your Own Flights
We highly recommend that you do not book your flights before your US Job has been approved, your DS-2019 has been issued and you have confirmed your US Embassy appointment. You are required to update the flight details in your J1 Account under Step 3 Flights & Embassy Details once you have booked them to ensure that your insurance policy is issued with your correct travel dates. SAYIT J1 holds no responsibility for any changes, cancellations, or issues that may arise from flights booked outside of the SAYIT J1 system.
Once you have paid all administrational costs and your job has been approved, a DS-2019 will be issued by your US sponsor and sent to us. The DS-2019 entitles you to apply for a J1 visa.
Please note:
If you lose your DS-2019 you must contact the office immediately on 021 4279 190. Any administrational change required to an issued DS-2019 will cost €60 - This includes name change due to new passport not matching exact name on original passport (including middle name or lack thereof), change in employer (Not available once the student starts the US Embassy process) or change in work dates. The charge must be paid before we can request a reprint from the US.
The DS-2019 must be kept in pristine condition as you are required to bring this with you to the US and present it to the US Immigration Officer, US Social Security Officer, and your employer. The document can not be reprinted in the future and many students who apply for future US visas require it for their applications.
Once you have received your DS-2019 from the Sponsor, you are required to complete a DS-160 form (US Embassy interview form). Login to your J1 Account through this link to access a link to this form. Once you have completed your DS-160, you must enter the details in your J1 Account under the Track Your Application Step 2 - To Book Your Embassy Appointment. Your DS-160 number begins with AA.
Please note:
We must receive your DS-160 number within 3 days of you receiving notification to begin it.
You must complete your DS-160 in full before booking an appointment.
US Embassy Appointment
All students MUST attend a mandatory interview at the US Embassy for a J1 visa to be issued. Embassy interviews must be arranged by the applicant.
The US Embassy will hold an applicant’s passport for a minimum of 7-10 working days for processing of the Visa after the Interview. If extra processing is required, passports may be held longer than 7-10 working days. SAYIT J1/ US Sponsor/ US Embassy is not to be held responsible for any delays, and subsequent fees incurred due to delays/ extra processing at the US Embassy Interview stage. Under no circumstances can a passport be requested back from the US Embassy quicker than the standard processing times laid out above.
Please note:
We must receive your US Embassy appointment details through your J1 Account under the Track Your Application Step 3 Flight & Embassy Details.
Please note:
The US Embassy releases passports to one central DPD Depot in Dublin. If you can not collect your passport from this depot, you will need to pay an additional fee to have your passport released to your home address. This can only be done at the time of booking an appointment.
The fee is subject to change by the US Embassy at any time.
First Payment
A non-refundable deposit of €95 will secure your application.
Second Payment
Within 14 days, you must make your second payment of €300 so your application can be processed.
Third Payment
To have your DS-2019 released to you, the third payment of your completed administrational costs must be paid.
Further Payments
US Embassy, Dublin Appointment Booking Payment
You must attend an interview with the US Embassy. This will cost $185 payable directly to the US Embassy.
If you have booked your flights through SAYIT J1, you must pay for your flights in full within the period set out by the Flight Staff. Flight balances are subject to airline rules.
Cancellation Policy 2025
If you cancel from the programme, you must confirm this in writing either by email at or by letter quoting your full name, booking reference, and address. Cancellations by phone will not be accepted.
Self-Placement Cancellation Policy
First deposit of €95.00 is non-refundable in all circumstances.
Cancel after your application has been submitted to the US Sponsor but you have not uploaded your job offer form for vetting - Forfeit €345.00.
Cancel after your Job Offer has been accepted or declined – Forfeit €395.00.
Cancel after your DS2019 has been issued – Forfeit, all administrational costs, and any additional fees.
Cancel after your Embassy Appointment has been scheduled and you have or have not attended – Forfeit, all administrational costs, and any additional fees.
Cancel within 6 weeks of your DS2019 start date and/or departure date – Forfeit, all administrational costs, and any additional fees.
After departure – Non-refundable
Job Placement Cancellation Policy
First deposit of €95.00 is non-refundable in all circumstances.
Cancel after your application has been submitted to the US Sponsor and you are not placed with an employer – Forfeit €295.00.
Cancel after your application has been submitted to the US Sponsor and you have been placed with an employer – Forfeit €395.00.
Cancel have your DS-2019 has been issued - Forfeit all administrational costs plus any additional fees.
Cancel after your embassy appointment has been scheduled and you have or have not attended - Forfeit all administrational costs plus any additional fees.
Cancel within 6 weeks of your DS-2019 start date and/or departure date – Forfeit, all administrational costs plus any additional fees.
After departure – Non-refundable
Additional fees
Additional cancellation charges may also be levied on your flight tickets.
The US Embassy does not refund the embassy fee if a student decides to cancel after their appointment has been organised.
SEVIS Fee is non-refundable.
Any penalties paid are also non-refundable.
Insurance charges are non-refundable if a policy is issued and or in the event of a claim.
Refunds can take up to 12 weeks to be processed.
The applicant is responsible for submitting all requested documentation (including a valid passport) and payments to SAYIT J1 as per SAYIT J1’s timelines for visa processing. SAYIT J1 & the US Sponsor cannot be held responsible for any additional costs incurred (including the cost of rebooking or cancelling a flight or reissuing a DS-2019) by the applicant due to delays in submitting documentation, verifying employment, changing flight dates, delays in booking a US Embassy Interview, or delays caused by the US Embassy in processing visa applications, scheduling a visa interview, issuing a visa, delays by US Authorities in issuing a DS-2019 or delays due to changes in their regulations, or visa denial. SAYIT J1 cannot be held responsible for participant delays and any monies paid to the programme will be deemed non-refundable should the participant be cancelled from the programme due to payment, documentation or job offer submission delay.
All jobs must be pre-approved by the US Sponsor before being accepted on the programme. If you are sourcing your job, you agree that if your submitted job does not meet the requirements of the US Sponsor, and the US State Department, you will be required to source a new job offer or cancel your application as per the cancellation terms.
Should any participant accept a position, either sourced directly or with the assistance of the US Sponsor, then choose to cancel the contract with the employer before travel, the programme fee and all associated elements will be deemed non-refundable as per the cancellation terms. Any costs due to cancellation or delay with sourcing an alternative job is the responsibility of the applicant.
The participant understands that perceived or actual epidemics (such as but not limited to covid-19, Ebola, SARS, or bird flu, Zika Virus), acts of terrorism, and adverse weather conditions can seriously delay, disrupt, interrupt, or cause the cancellation of entire programmes. The participant agrees to assume all risks and losses (including financial) which result from any such occurrence.
1. You understand that only fully completed and correct applications, passport copy, completed questionnaire along with the relevant deposit or payment in full will be accepted.
2. You agree that all the information provided in your application is true to the best of your knowledge and acknowledge that any false or misleading information may lead to immediate removal from the J1 programme.
3. You must be in possession of a valid electronic passport at the time of application. A copy of your passport must accompany your application or be received in the SAYIT J1 offices no later than 5 days after your application. Furthermore you must ensure that your Irish passports must be until the 1st of November 2025 or non-Irish passports until the 31st of May 2026.
4. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that you have given us your valid email addresses, and any information not received due to failure or inadequate email addresses will not be the responsibility of SAYIT J1 or The US Sponsor. It is also mandatory to supply SAYIT J1 & the US Sponsor with the name and contact details of next of kin who currently reside in Ireland and will remain so for the duration of the programme, to be contacted in the case of emergency.
5. You must make every effort to secure employment for yourself and not to delay, be it by applying for jobs offered through the US Sponsor or by searching independently. You must keep SAYIT J1/ US Sponsor informed of their job searching progress. You must meet the deadlines given by the US Sponsor/ SAYIT J1. As this is a limited allocation programme, any delays in submitting this information may jeopardize your place on the programme. SAYIT J1 cannot be held responsible for any of your delays and any monies paid to the programme will be deemed non-refundable should you lose your place due to a job offer submission delay.
6. Failure to obtain job approval will render you, ineligible for the programme and you will not be able to travel to the USA on a J1 visa. There will be no refund on the costs paid to SAYIT J1 should you not be successful in obtaining job approval for this programme.
7. If you have committed/been arrested and/or convicted of any drink driving offence, you may be required by the US Embassy to complete a medical exam. You will need to gather extra documentation in the form of criminal records, copies of statutes, letters explaining the offense, and any other documentation requested by the US Embassy. In this case, you are subject to extra processing and such queries can often add at least 6 to 10 weeks to normal processing times. SAYIT J1 will not be responsible for any delays as a result of obtaining and submitting this information. If you are rejected due to these offenses, then the standard cancellation terms apply.
8. You are required to do a US Sponsor Orientation online via your US Sponsor account. This is a US State Department mandatory requirement for the programme. Failure to complete the orientation will result in your DS-2019 not being issued and cancellation fees will apply in this case.
9. A DS-2019 entitles you to attend the US Embassy for a J1 Visa. You must double-check your DS-2019 form once received and any errors or issues must be reported to the J1 office immediately.
10. You must check all travel documentation once you have received it (e.g. Insurance Certificate, DS-2019, Flight, Itinerary, etc). If any document is incorrect or you have a query relating to its content, you must notify SAYIT J1 immediately @
11. You must immediately contact us with any change to your email address or mobile number.
12. You are required to continually check your J1 Account and registered email account to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information which relates to your application. Please make sure to continuously check your ‘Spam’ or ‘Junk’ Folder in your registered email account during the J1 process and also while you are in the US.
13. We recommend that you take a minimum of US$1000 with you to the US in order to support yourself in the US until you receive your first paycheck. You understand that wages might not cover the entirety of your programme and living expenses and that you should have access to additional personal funds. You must bring a copy of a bank statement with you, as you might be asked by a US Immigration Officer to show your proof of funds.
14. You understand that the J1 Final pack must be downloaded, printed (with the relevant attachments), read, and fully understood by you before departure. Any queries must be made immediately. SAYIT J1/ US Sponsor CAN NOT be held responsible for your failure to do so.
15. Students are responsible for checking the biographical date and working dates before submitting their application to Inter Exchange and all information is correct on their DS2019 once.
Participants on the J1 programme are required to comply with all US Government visa and immigration requirements including the SEVIS tracking as follows:
1. Must register with SEVIS within 10 days of your arrival in the US
2. Must go to and remain at your pre-approved job and honour your work commitment
3. Must register your U.S housing address in SEVIS within 10 days of arrival to the U.S
4. Any changes to U.S housing address must be reported within 10 days
5. Wilfully providing false info in SEVIS is a criminal offence. Participants who do this will be subject to termination.
6. Must check in every 30 days.
7. Cannot begin work at any position until vetted and approved by their US Sponsor (Subsequent or Second Job)
8. All participants must have a valid email address while in the U.S and should check it frequently for important programme updates and reminders. The participant agrees to comply rigorously with the monitoring schedule set up by their US Sponsor (SEVIS compliance, monthly monitoring surveys, etc.). The participant agrees to respond promptly to any US Sponsor communication requiring a response.
9. Confirmation to their US Sponsor of any cultural activities that have been undertaken during the previous 30 days
10. Participants can leave the US during their J1 period once they inform the US Sponsor and have the Travel Validation part of their DS-2019 completed by them. Please allow 2 weeks for this before departure. More information can be found on Travel Validation in your pre-departure final pack.
11. Entry & Re-entry on the J1 programme is only possible within the dates printed on your J1 visa & DS-2019 work paper in line with your current SEVIS status. If your SEVIS status is Programme Ended you must not cross the border as you will not be allowed to re-enter. For further details contact your US Sponsor.
12. Under any circumstances, participants are not permitted to travel to the Tijuana metropolitan area in Mexico.
13. Participants may be required to work during US public holidays, for example, 4th of July. If a participant is rostered to work on the 4th of July they must turn up for work or face disciplinary action and possible visa termination.
14. Participants on Work & Travel USA must notify their US Sponsor if they decide to withdraw from the programme early for any reason and leave the US before their scheduled departure date. Failure to do so will result in probable US Visa refusal in the future.
15. Failure to comply with any of the above will result in Programme termination, possible deportation and probable US Visa refusal in the future.
16. SAYIT J1/ US Sponsor cannot be held responsible for any difficulties with participants receiving their Social Security Numbers/Cards, and any expenses incurred due to delays arising from the above.
17. Applicants abide by all Programme Rules as established by their US Sponsor which is contained in this Agreement or other Programme documents. They must cooperate fully with the US Sponsor and abide by any reasonable instructions.
18. The US Sponsor/SAYIT J1 does not provide housing. If an employer offers housing or the participant sources housing independently the participant must notify their US Sponsor if he or she has any concerns regarding the safety and/or suitability of the housing, including charges or fees for housing, sanitary conditions, or any other problem. Participants must source housing that is within a reasonable commute to their place of employment.
19. Applicants are expected to obey all laws and sponsor rules including, but not limited to, treating employer property and housing with respect, including obeying the terms of all leases and housing agreements specifically with regards to occupancy rules and overcrowding, partying, noise and guest privileges, refraining from damaging any property, refraining from public disturbances, disorderly conduct, and obeying all local ordinances with regards to drinking age and open container rules. If the participant is evicted from housing or is warned in writing that he/she is at risk of eviction, as a result of the participant’s behaviour the US Sponsor reserves the right to revoke his/her legal sponsorship, which will result in the withdrawal or termination of his/her program.
20. Theft, including wage and hour theft or falsifying timecards, are grounds for programme dismissal and may result in your programme being terminated. Failure to abide by these rules may result in your programme being terminated.
21. If, during the programme, the participant encounters any difficulties with Social Security, safety, health or employment the participant must notify your US Sponsor.
22. The participant is responsible for all of his or her acts along with any loss or damage resulting there from their acts while on the programme. The participant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless SAYIT J1 & their US Sponsor, its officers, shareholders, affiliates and employees from and against any claims, causes of action and liability for any financial or other loss, damage, personal injury, illness or death suffered or incurred by the participant, whether based on tort, breach of contract or any other theory. In addition, Participant agrees to release and hold harmless SAYIT J1 and their US Sponsor from its (SAYIT J1’s and US Sponsor’s) own negligence.
J1 visas are issued purely at the discretion of the US Embassy. SAYIT J1 does not accept any responsibility should you be denied a visa.
If you are planning to travel or require your passport for personal use, please note the US Embassy does not expedite any applications. We cannot be held responsible for any delays in the processing of the visa and you may be required to change your outbound date or programme option in the event of a delay (at your own expense).
SAYIT J1 cannot be held responsible for any additional costs incurred due to delays by applicants in submitting documentation or delays by the US Embassy in issuing visas. The US Embassy levy a non-refundable processing fee on Irish passport holders. Other nationalities may be required to pay a higher fee. Applicants are responsible for this charge and any additional fees incurred due to "extra processing" that might apply at the US Embassy or Consulate.
Please note: The US Embassy Regulations may change at any time with possible extra costs to applicants. Visit our website for updates.
Programme Termination is when a sponsor adversely ends the participant’s programme for a serious programme rule or regulation violation. Sponsors can terminate an exchange visitor (EV) in the following cases:
Failure to contact their sponsor within ten (10) days after their arrival
Failure to submit a change of current address within 10 days of moving
Failure to respond to sponsor’s monthly monitoring outreach efforts
Starting work at any job (i.e., initial, subsequent, or additional) before their sponsor has fully vetted such jobs
Conviction of a crime
Disciplinary action
Engaging in unauthorized employment (including beginning to work at a second job not approved by your US Sponsor)
Failure to pursue EV programme activities
Participants who fail to complete their required monthly check-in will be subject to termination.
Any participant who is withdrawn or terminated from the programme will be required to return home at his or her own expense. A terminated participant also loses his/her legal right to remain in the US. Termination may negatively impact the participant’s ability to obtain future US visas.
Participants are required to inform their US Sponsor if they begin travelling more than 10 days before the end date on their DS-2019 form.
The US Sponsor routinely sends email reminders to participants who have not updated their U.S. address within 10 days and when participants are nearing the required 30-day check-in. Please be sure to check your email regularly.
Please remember the US Sponsor is your programme advocate. Our role is to act as facilitators, counsellors, and as an information resource.
Only the US Sponsor or the United States government may take action against your programme. Your employer cannot cancel your visa or work eligibility and has no authority regarding your immigration status. If you are ever threatened by your host employer, or your employer attempts to withhold wages or identity documents, please contact your US Sponsor immediately.
SAYIT J1 Insurance is mandatory for all participants on the J1 programme. The insurance provided is specifically tailored to the J1 programme and in our opinion is the most acceptable insurance.
It is a condition of the insurance policy provided by SAYIT J1 that you will not be covered for any claims arising directly or indirectly from;
Any Medical Condition you have, or have had, for which You are, taking prescribed medication or are waiting to receive, or have received treatment (including surgery, tests, or investigations) within the last 2 years. We will contact you with the details on who you will be required to contact once you have completed your booking.
Any Medical Condition for which you have received a terminal prognosis.
Any Medical Condition for which you have not had a diagnosis.
Any Medical Condition for which you are on a waiting list for or have knowledge of the need for surgery, inpatient treatment, or investigation at a hospital, clinic or nursing home.
Any circumstances, you are aware of that could reasonably be expected to give rise to a claim on this policy.
You will not also be covered at any time for:
Any medical condition you have in respect of which a Medical Practitioner has advised you not to travel or would have done so had you sought his/her advice.
Any medical condition for which you are travelling with the intention of obtaining medical treatment (including surgery or investigation) or advice outside of Ireland and the UK.
Any medical condition for which you are not taking the recommended treatment or prescribed medication as directed by a medical practitioner.
Pregnancy or childbirth where you are expected to give birth within eight weeks of the start of the trip, during the trip or within eight weeks of the end of the trip.
Insurance General Exclusions
The insurance company will not pay for claims arising directly or indirectly from:
Your own unlawful action or any criminal proceedings against you.
Your wilfully, self-inflicted injury or illness, suicide or attempted suicide, sexually transmitted diseases, solvent abuse, alcohol abuse, the use of drugs (other than drugs taken in accordance with treatment prescribed and directed by a medical practitioner, but not for the treatment for drug addiction), self-exposure to needless peril (except in the attempt to save human life).
Your engagement in hazardous activities unless the appropriate premium has been paid.
Dual Insurance Policies
If you are covered under a family insurance policy or hold a policy with another insurer, you must make your initial claim through your insurer before contacting White Horse Administration Services Limited.
SAYIT J1/ US Sponsor may provide the participants contact information to third parties who provide useful services to exchange programme participants. Third parties receiving this information will be required to provide the participant with the opportunity to opt out of further communications out after the first contact.
The participant gives SAYIT J1/ US Sponsor permission, without the payment of consideration, to use any written, photographic, or video images of himself/herself in the course of reporting on, and/or promoting SAYIT J1/ US Sponsor programmes.
SAYIT J1/ US Sponsor retain the right, in their sole discretion, to contact participant’s school, parents and/or guardian with regard to health issues or any other matter whatsoever which relates to participant or participant’s programme. These rights transcend any and all privacy regulations that may otherwise apply.
SAYIT J1 shall not be liable for any damage caused to the student by the failure to perform the Contract or the improper performance of the Contract where the failure or the improper performance is due neither to any fault of the organizer (SAYIT J1) or retailer acting on the Organizers behalf nor to that of another supplier of services because:
The failure, which occurs in the performance of the Contract, is attributable to the consumer:
Such failure is attributable to a third party unconnected with the provision of the services contracted for, and is unforeseeable or unavoidable: or
Such failure is due to: - (a) force majeure: or (b) an event which the Organizer, the retailer acting on his behalf or the supplier of services, even with all due care, could not foresee or forestall.
In the case of damage, other than death or personal injury or damage caused by the wilful misconduct or gross negligence of the Organizer the amount of compensation which will be paid to the consumer will be limited to, in the case of an adult an amount equal to double the inclusive price of the Package.
We would hope that you would have no grounds for complaint. However, if you wish to make a complaint, you must write, with all the relevant travel documents to:
Customer Services Department
SAYIT J1 Department
76 Grand Parade
Complaints must be made within 1 month of your return from the US.
****Terms and conditions are subject to change at anytime and without notice****
Licenced by the Irish Aviation Authority, TA 0252
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