Read SAYIT's advice on and contact information for accommodation and J1 summer job hunting in Montauk, Long Island, New York, USA.
Montauk is located in the easternmost area of New York State. It is a major tourist destination and boasts six state parks. It is famous for fishing and surfing, and surfing enthusiasts travel from far and wide to be challenged by the surf of Ditch Plains, while sun worshippers enjoy the white sands of the ocean and bay coastline.We have had our students in Sag Harbor, Centerport, Amagansett, Atlantic Beach (Long Island) and many other fantastic places.
If you arrive late in June you may be in for a tough search. About 90% of J1 students stay in motels for the summer. Expect to pay about $140 per week based on 4 sharing. Most motel rooms have basic kitchen facilities. ..The Chamber of Commerce in Montauk lists phone numbers and information about accommodation in the area.
These are some of the main providers of accommodation for Irish students. Calling into motels may be the best way to find accommodation. Some of the hotels and businesses provide housing for their employees. The Montauk Motel (Tel: +1 631-668-2704) is another one to try.
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Job Hunting
You may think that you will get a job as a waiter/ waitress and make a fortune, we are sorry to say that this does not often happen. The good waiting jobs are usually held from year to year, but try anyway, you never know! The wage rate here is higher than average due to the high cost of living in this area. Most people work long hours or have two jobs.
You will be expected to stay in Montauk and work until Labour Day, which is the first Monday in September. Most people receive bonuses based on whether or not they stay until this date. This can be a significant amount. You should try if possible to receive your last pay cheque before you leave.
Some handy employers can be found below:
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